10 Steps To Turn Your Skills Into a 6-Figure+ Income as a Business Advisor

Apr 30, 2024

1. Discover what you're good at.

  • You can't be good at everything. (good news: you don't need to be.)
  • Ask others for candid "tell me if my baby's ugly" feedback.
  • Listen for trends.
  • At this point in life, you probably already know.
  • Learn AI as quickly as you can.

2. Share your knowledge in public.

  • Share your best, but not all of it.
  • Share it consistently through social media, speaking, writing a blog, podcasts, networking, etc.
  • Not all at once. Pick one and win a couple of clients first.
  • Edify your employer and make your emerging brand valuable to them.

3. Attract people who have expensive problems and the money to solve them.

  • Identify your ideal client avatar.
  • Talk to as many as possible with no intent to sell. Just find out what their pains are.
  • Find out what it's worth to them, financially and emotionally, to solve their problems. That's where your new income lives.
  • Build and nurture your list of these people as fast as you can.

4. Create an irresistible offer.

  • Make your solution easy to understand.
  • Make the transformational journey clear.
  • Remove the risk for the buyer.
  • Create a clear call to action.

5. Think of sales as leadership.

  • Salesmanship and leadership, if done correctly, are impossible to tell apart.
  • Reframing sales as a leadership process is critical in order to sweep out the head trash about this.
  • Use my leadership conversation framework.

6. Create a transformational experience.

  • Prospects don't care about you. They care about themselves and their pain.
  • They're living in an emotional whirlwind.
  • Provide a transformation experience that is as easy and painless as possible to move them from negative to positive emotions.

7. Write a story about your client's transformation and the better life you helped them create.

  • Social proof is powerful. Prospects are asking, "Who's gone before me and experienced the outcome you're promising?"
  • Show them as many as you can.

8. Ask for referrals.

  • The best time is when your client is happy in their new and better place.
  • Create a referral system.

9. Repeat steps 1 through 8

  • Refine the process using the PDCA framework.
  • Focus on the 20% that creates the 80% of your results (most leverage.)
  • Eliminate, delegate, or automate the rest

10. Live your life

  • This one is all you have.
  • Trust relationships are the only thing of real value in life.
  • Build some that allows you to maximize the time you have with the people in your inner circle.


PS: When you're ready, here are two ways I can help you:

1. We're looking for skilled professionals and coaches we can train to help small business owners succeed. We pay the training costs. If you're currently a business advisor or coach, or you'd like to put your hard-earned skills to work as a business advisor and fire the boss for good, here's a video that explains what we're looking for.

2. I publish a weekly email newsletter each Tuesday for business advisors called "The AI-Powered Business Advisor." You'll get the latest AI tools and prompts, as well as easy-to-implement strategies for growing your business advisor practice. You can learn more here.

Business Advisors Needed:

If you have capacity and are open to taking on more clients and scaling, getĀ more details here...

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