Generate More Leads with The Conversion Equation

flow of leads Jan 07, 2024

Use this Conversion Equation Evaluator to determine you conversion equation score.

If a grade is below 3 the ad must be re-worked.


0: Totally wrong concepts, try again

1: Does not interrupt (or False-Uptime); does not engage, gets no results (what most people write)

2: Basic ad structure is there; can’t be fixed with “red-line”

3: Good ad that interrupts and engages; lacks power in building the case and an appealing call to action

4: Engages prospect and builds case well; offer needs strengthened; needs help with wordsmithing (for power)

5: Clear, passionate, precise & powerful Ad! Nails internal conversation. Irresistible and obvious choice!

Interrupt: Headlines & Voice Over or Intro (for Radio/TV)

0: No headline at all

1: Company name or play on words; does nothing to compel reader/listener to continue

2: Headline exists; poor or crass HOT BUTTON; False Uptime Alert!

3: Hot Buttons Activated; not articulated well, but says in basic terms what needs to be said

4: Good headline, penetrates reader’s internal conversation; work on clarity and precision

5: Powerhouse! Headline is powerfully worded and hits HOT BUTTONS passionately

Engage: Promise To Educate & Facilitate Decision

0: If Headline score is 0, 1, or 2…then automatic score of 0 here.

1: Nothing to make reader want to listen…no sub-headlines; no add’l info at all, incoherent

2: Contains sub-headlines that are NOT connected to internal conversation…reader clicks back!

3: Reader can tell from scanning ad that there may be decision-facilitating info ahead

4: Use of Hot-Button-based sub-headlines gives reader promise of useful info in the ad

5: Reader eagerly engaged! Quick scans reveals congruence with other sub-headlines & offer

Educate: Building Your Case

0: No case building info; crass, cute, sex-based or abstract ideas or image/institutional creativity

1: Some features menu listed; not quantified, nothing compelling; perhaps wrong or incoherent points

2: Case points begun, but not developed; poorly quantified/quantified

3: Case points listed with some qualification/quantification; educates on a basic level

4: Builds a good case and anticipation; educates thoroughly, but could be more powerful & articulate.

5: Executes solid, well-rounded case; a Judge/Jury would be proudly say, “I would have to be an idiot…”

Offer: Risk Reversal / Ethical Bribe

0: No offer at all (if there’s an offer, but no landing page or capture box give “0’)

1: Contact info present; nothing specifically mentioned as an offer

2: Tells prospect to call for more info or to speak with a representative; no capture box; no landing page

3: Offer easily detectable; no incentives; could be much more motivating; poor capture/landing page

4: Good offer, captures prospect action—doesn’t capture widest possible audience; opt-in needs help

5: Excellent, obvious choice for NOW/FUTURE buyer; Irresistible & Compelling Offer, Opt-in & Nurture pieces

Powerful, Passionate, Precise & Elegant Format

0: A total mess; try again

1: Does not flow, no logical reason for any placements; haphazardly done; not professional

2: Basic structure is in place; lacks power; unclear; spacing, thought flow is fuzzy or blah

3: Structurally sound, flows reasonably well, some parts are still done poorly; seduction focused

4: Proper use of type fonts & sizes; spacing well done; photos/graphics congruent & compelling, etc.

5: Reader can quickly scan and understand main points; knows exactly what action to take

Total Number Of Points:

_____ Divided By 5 = _____ This Is Your Conversion Equation score.


50% Complete

Two Step

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