Get More Networking Leads by Using The MOCAA Method™

The Method

"So, what do you do?"

When someone asks you this in a networking meeting, please remember...

They don't care.

They care about themselves and their problems.

As famous marketing copywriter Robert Collier once said, the key to influence is to "enter the conversation already going on in your prospect's mind."

That means we have to get out of our own head and our own problems and focus on theirs.

And since the subconscious mind is always in control, their subconscious is asking:

1. How can you help me?

2. How long will it take me to experience the result/relief/transformation?

3. What will I have to sacrifice (of my time and money)?

4. What do you want me to do right now to take the next step toward relief?

If you answer these four questions for them, they'll want to give you more time, and perhaps in your next meeting, even gladly give you some of their money.

Here's my talk track to make this happen for you.

I call it the The MOCAA Method™, which stands for:

Message, Offer, Call to Action, Ask

The Message

Your Message is a compelling statement that interrupts their thought pattern and refocuses their attention on you. When a person who has a problem you might be able to solve hears the message, they engage with you by asking a very, very important question. First, let's start with the message.

Here's the basic format for a compelling message:

I help [ideal customer] to [tangible value they want] even if / without / all while [thing they tried before, thing they like to avoid, thing they want to maintain or not lose].

Your message should be so compelling that it generates what I call the first "engagement event", which is usually a question, like "How do you do that?"

For example...

You...Message: "I help small business owners generate more profit, work more efficiently, and enjoy more free time, without worrying about cash flow or annoying calls from staff."

Prospect... "How do you do that?" (engagement #1)

Now, continue your message by introducing your "unique mechanism" for how you produce those results. This will generate what I call the second engagement event:

You... Message (continued): "Thanks for asking. Well, I help my clients implement a very powerful 5-part profit framework, and the strategies that generate $100 thousand to $500 thousand dollars in new profit in the first year, and some of my clients actually double their profits in the first 13 weeks that we work together."

Prospect... "Wow...tell me more. How does that work exactly?" (engagement #2)

The Offer

You might have a message that paralyzes your prospects in rapt attention, but nothing will happen— no nothing...if their is no offer.

Your offer is your lead magnet—something of value that provides helpful information and possible tangible progress toward their goal.

Your initial offer is usually information or demonstration (flow #6).

You can deliver this live and in-person, like a face-to-face meeting, online meeting, or webinar.

You can also deliver pre-recorded or pre-printed information, like videos, books, brochures, mini-courses, and more.

Let's continue our conversation and see how this works...

You... Offer: "How about if I do this for you... I wrote a book that details 12 specific strategies I use to help my clients produce those results. I'll send you a copy. It's my gift to you. Would you rather have a digital copy emailed to your or a hard copy by mail?"

Prospect... "Yes, that would be great. I really appreciate that."

The lead magnet in this example is a book with 12 strategies for producing the results you mentioned. See how this works?

The Call to Action

A powerful message and offer can do amazing things for your business, but it'll leave you with a firm grip on an empty sack if you don't also have a clear Call to Action, often abbreviated as CTA.

A good CTA is simple and easy to understand, like these very direct CTAs:

  • Click here
  • Call now
  • Mail this card
  • Enter your name and email below
  • Sign here

Examples of more subtle, indirect CTAs are:

  • What's the best address I should send that do?
  • Please endorse the paperwork now right here.
  • I'll just need your email and mailing address.

CTA's are questions or statements that request action. Add them to the end of a great message and offer, then watch the magic happen.

You... Call to Action: "It's no problem at all. What's the best address that I should send it to?"

Prospect... "Here's my card, send it to the address there."

The Ask

Let's wrap things up with the final letter "A", which stands for Ask.

You see, you've taken on the Benevolent Servant Leader frame, and with grace and gravitas you've given your prospect considerable value. It's time to utilize one of the most fundamental laws of human nature; the desire to give back.

By now you've deposited sufficient funds in your burgeoning trust account to ask for a small favor, like this:

You... Ask (for a small favor)"Perfect. I'll get that to you in the next 24 hours. I'm just curious [Prospect Name], would you be open to doing me a small favor?"

Prospect... "Sure, how can I help?"

You... Ask (for their input) : "Well, I'm writing my next book (or 'I write a weekly email'), and it would really help me, as you read through the book, which strategy really stood out to you as the fastest path to new profits for you and your company. Would you be willing to share that?"

Prospect... "Of course."

You...Ask (for the appointment) "Great, I really appreciate it. And next week we can meet up at the new coffee place on 5th and Maple street, or on zoom, whichever is easier. Does that sound like a good next step?"

Prospect... "Sounds great."

You..."Great. And when we meet, I'll share some additional resources and strategies to help you accelerate your profits and and get results as soon as possible." 

Prospect... "That would be very helpful."

You ..."No problem at all. I have Tuesday at noon and Friday at 8 a.m. available. Which works better for you?

Confirm your appointment, and ask what I call the "Columbo question"...say, "I'm looking forward to it, Bob. Hey, just one more I'm meeting other people here tonight, what might they say that would make it obvious to me that I should introduce them to you?"

Now, go out there and have fun meeting new people. And remember, when you're nervous, be of service.

PS: When you're ready, here are two ways I can help you:

1. We're looking for skilled professionals and coaches we can train to help small business owners succeed. We pay the training costs. If you're currently a business advisor or coach, or you'd like to put your hard-earned skills to work as a business advisor and fire the boss for good, here's a video that explains what we're looking for.

2. I publish a weekly email newsletter each Tuesday for business advisors called "The AI-Powered Business Advisor." You'll get the latest AI tools and prompts, as well as easy-to-implement strategies for growing your business advisor practice. You can learn more here.



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